ACT Needs to be both a rehabilitative and long term care Service
In 2007, [Minnesota] Governor Pawlenty signed a bipartisan mental health act. The Mental Health Action Group (including advocates, providers, hospitals, state agencies, health care payers) was instrumental in designing and promoting this work. • Developed Model Mental Health Benefit set under Medicaid including rehabilitative services (ARMHS, CTSS, ACT) • Supportive Housing • School Linked Mental Health • Respite Care for Families • Community Behavioral Health Hospitals (State operated, but sized to qualify for Medicaid payment.) Now the thing is that it is, of course, fabulous that Minnesota got ACT determined to be a "rehabilitative" Medicaid service. AND we should do the same in Colorado. But that is NOT enough. "Rehabilitative" services require a showing of "progress." Well so people are going to be required to show progress to continue to receive the services, but maybe/probably NOT everybody will be able to do that -- like the people who most need those services. In fact, the whole impetus behind Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) way back in the 70's was that some people needed more "permanent" less "transitional" modes of care. So this also needs to be available without the requirement for progress under the CMHS Waiver which desperately needs to be overhauled to address the true needs of people with mental illness & substance use conditions (which are a form of mental illness). |
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ARMHS - Minnesota Adult Rehabilitative Mental Health Services CTSS - Minnesota Children's Therapeutic Services and Supports SelectionMethod=LatestReleased&dDocName =id_058361 ACT -- Minnesota's Assertive Community Treatment Program SelectionMethod=LatestReleased&dDocName =id_058151 |