Project Management & Trying To Get Beyond The State's Polite Failure to Comply with Olmstead3/28/2018
Getting Beyond Incomplete, Artificial Categories to the Complexity of Human Biology
Our Scientifically Invalid DSM 5 is NOT Helping
* Gerrymandered Definitions of "Mental Illness" and "Insanity," *Perverse Incentives, *How focusing on "Neuroplasticity" might help & *"Just Because You Can't See It, Doesn't Mean It Isn't There"
Will We Ever Get Beyond the Hickenlooper Jive Talkin' on Olmstead?Inquiring Minds Want To Know3/18/2018
I chose this cartoon by Matt Groening in his "Life in Hell" comic strip series as a metaphor for some our approaches in Mental Health.
But the fact is I can also relate to it quite literally. My arms don't straighten completely and as a child I was taken to the Bone Specialist. The Bone Specialist advised my parents that the medical staff could break my bones and re-set them -- but it probably wasn't worth it -- and advised my parents not to worry about it. My parents thought that was pretty good advice -- and so do I. Yet there was time when I was working as a Hostess @ a very popular Restaurant, Bar and Music Scene in Oklahoma City and an uncommonly disturbed patron asked me if I couldn't do something about my arms -- it was making it so he couldn't eat and proceeded to tell me what he thought had happened in the womb. Well when I say "disturbed patron" -- who does he remind of -- my clients -- no -- many aspects of the Criminal Justice System -- YES. There are things that aren't as innocuous as arms that won't straighten; nonetheless and maybe especially-- we need a strength-based approach.
AuthorVal Corzine Archives
September 2021