Image Credit: Mark Weaver
What we mean by "Mental Health" --- "Neurologically Diverse"
*What we mean by "mental health" is "neurologically diverse," including folks with:
filtered through varying statutory requirements for civil commitment,
forced medication, Incompetent To Proceed (ITP), Not Guilty By Reason
of Insanity (NGRI), just plain old guilty, etc.
And overlaying all of this for some people is Homelessness.
- The "Mental Illness" label
filtered through varying statutory requirements for civil commitment,
forced medication, Incompetent To Proceed (ITP), Not Guilty By Reason
of Insanity (NGRI), just plain old guilty, etc.
And overlaying all of this for some people is Homelessness.
- Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Again, folks sometimes find themselves in the criminal justice system with no or inadequate treatment & sometimes Homeless.
- Developmental Disability
- Substance Use Issues
- Huntington's Chorea (We specifically include Huntington's Chorea because of a horrific case involving a man with Huntington's Chorea who was also deaf who got stuck in a CO jail for over a year because he did not fit into the mental illness box -- this despite the fact that jail officials and all members of the criminal justice system were desperately trying to find an appropriate placement for the man), and/or
- "We don't know what the heck is wrong with you," and/or
- Etc.